The website Waters Assessment has been published. The website is an information platform for the assessment of surface waters according to the European Water Framework Directive.
For rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters you can find all information regarding the assessment, e.g.
- the basis for the assessment, such as waters typology and maps on types of water bodies
- the method description for the assessment of the ecological status or potential based on several biological quality components
- the method description for the assessment of the guiding quality components.
The content presented on the website represents the current version of the German Oberflächengewässerverordnung [meaning directive on surface waters], which in Germany implements the European Water Framework Directive. All the texts published are formatted in PDF style for your personal download. You can also find the primary literature, which is the basis for the information given on the website, as far as it is permitted by copyright regulations.
For the assessment system BALCOSIS (Baltic ALgae COmmunity analySIs System) which classifies macrophytes of the outer, open coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, a detailed description can be find following this link: [to date in German only]:
or on our own website in English:
For the assessment system PHYBIBCO (PHYtoBenthic Index for Baltic inner COastal waters which classifies macrophytes of the inner coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, a detailed description can be find following this link: [to date in German only]:
or on our own website in English: