Integrated coastal zone management
Administrative District Pinneberg Preparation of a regional development concept at Helgoland |
PAAC - Public Authority for Assessment of Compensation for Damages Resulting from Iraqi Aggression Five-year-program for the monitoring and assessment of the generated environmental damages through the first Gulf war in the kuwaitic offshore and onshore areas. In cooperation with SAFEGE Project start 2004 |
Association to promote the nature conservation at Mühlenau and environments Conceptual design and implementation of an underwater nature experience-space with diving path |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) Draft management concept for the Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs) Hohwacht Bight East, Fehmarn West/Flügge Sand and Orth Bight in cooperation with CRM Coastal Research & Management Kiel |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) Development and implementation of a monitoring program for the Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs) Hohwacht, Fehmarn West und Orther Bucht in the western Baltic Sea. Investigations of macrozoo- and macrophytobenthos as well as fish |
Ecovalor Consult GmbH Investigation of marine benthos communities and the distribution of Corallium rubrum in the national park El-Kala (Algeria) to design a coastal zone management plan Project start 1996 |
Institute for Applied Ecology GmbH (IfAÖ) Assistance with designation of Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs) in the offshore areas of Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania |
CRM Kiel Technical assistance for the preparation of a coastal zone management plan for the Baltic Sea protected areas (BSPAs) Schleimünde and Geltinger Birk in the western Baltic Sea |
State Agency for Water Balance and Coasts Schleswig-Holstein (LAWAKÜ) Advisory function for the designation of the Baltic Sea protected areas (BSPAs) Schleimünde and Geltinger Birk in the western Baltic Sea |
References | Management & Concept
Quality management | Environmental education | Renaturation | Compensation