Studies on MSFD-, WFD-, FFH- and Natura 2000 topics
Ministry of Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature (MEKUN) MSFD: Retreat and resting areas for benthic habitats, fish, marine mammals and seabirds and shorebirds to protect against anthropogenic disturbance (Measure UZ3-03) in connection with the implementation of the SH Biodiversity Strategy in the marine sector. Development of the technical basis. project start 2022 The project serves to implement the MSFD measure UZ3-03, which aims to create refuge and resting areas for specific species, habitats and functions in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The aim of the project is to define the ecological requirements for refuges and resting places in a species- and habitat-specific manner, to carry out a spatial conflict analysis between measure UZ3-03 and human uses and activities, and finally to identify preferred areas of refuges and resting places for benthic habitats, fish, marine mammals and seabirds and shorebirds in the coastal sea of Schleswig-Holstein (excl. Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park). The MariLim GmbH is working on the project together with the companies BioConsult SH and WSP and is mainly responsible for the issues of benthic habitats including their functions as spawning substrate, nursery and feeding ground and the spatial analyses and delivery data. |
State Agency for Agriculture and Environment, Western Mecklenburg (StALU WM) FFH: Recording and assessment of habitat types in Site of Community Importance DE 1934-302 "Wismarbucht". Project start 2020 For updating the management plan of the site of Community importance (SCI) DE 1934-302 “Wismarbucht” the current state of conversation of the habitat types according to Annex I of the Habitats Directive are to be recorded. On behalf of the State agency for agriculture and environment Western Mecklenburg (StALU WM) MariLim GmbH processes the recording and assessment of the marine habitat types. The status of the marine habitat types is assessed based on its habitat structures, species composition and the current negative impacts. The resulting assessment of the conversation status is used to develop proposals on conservation measures. |
German Environment Agency (UBA) Validation of new target values regarding Secchi depths in Baltic Sea coastal waters, part of the UBA project RefoPlan (project MEER) With the ERGOM-MOM ecosystem model, new target values for the Secchi depth were derived for the Baltic Sea. Being part of the UBA RefoPlan (MEER project), the new target values for the Secchi depth were compared based on the current values of the Secchi depth and above all the currently valid reference and target values of the macrophytes in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD). In detail, we checked whether it was still possible to achieve the good environmental status of the macrophytes with the new Secchi depth values. |
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) Feasibility study for characterisation and recording of reef biocenosisses in the protected areas of the German Exclusive Economic Zone, with focus on reef associated species, especially fish Project start 2020 This feasibility study aims to build the basis for a comprehensive description of the biocenosis of geogenic reefs in the Baltic Sea. In particular, the importance of the reefs for the associated vagile fauna is to be recorded. In addition to the focus on reef-typical fish fauna, possible preferences of marine mammals and evertebrates for natural reef structures are also to be evaluated. In this feasibility study, the MariLim GmbH is assigned to the processing of the evertebrates. |
Ministry of Energy, Agriculture, the Environment, Nature and Digitalization (MELUND) Assessment according to water law of dredging activities – Assessment of compatibility within maintenance or enlargement of ports and their approaches Project start 2018 The federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, i.e. the LKN SH, carries out regular maintenance dredging in the ports of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea as well as in the Elbe below Hamburg. The extracted sediment is transported to designated deposition sites, three in the Baltic Sea and three in the North Sea. MariLim developed an application scheme together with BioConsult SH that enables a legally compliant assessment of these activities. This scheme was applied in order to assess the compliance of the existing deposition sites. |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) Development of an assessment tool for reefs according to MSFD and habitat directive (FFH) Project start 2016 Reefs are valuable marine habitats and therefore preservation management is needed. According to this, for the State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas in Schleswig-Holstein (LLUR-SH) MarLim performs an assessment system for reefs in the North and Baltic Sea. The aim here is to test and summarize the aspects of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSRL) as well as the criteria of the European Fauna Flora Habitat Directive (FFH) for the assessment of reefs. |
State Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) Adaptation and testing of the assessment regarding the quality element macrozoobenthos (MarBIT, BQI) for MSFD and HELCOM in outer coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein Project start 2016 The assessment of the invertebrate marine fauna (macrozoobenthos) is required for the evaluation of the coastal waters of the German Baltic Sea in accordance with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56 / EC) (MSRL) and HELCOM. The method Marine Biotic Index Tool (MarBIT) is applied as a standard method for the evaluation of the coastal waters of the German Baltic Sea off the coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MV) and Schleswig-Holstein (SH), this according to the guidelines of the Water Framework Directive for the quality component macrozoobenthos. Since this method has hitherto exclusively been applied to coastal waters up to the 1-nautical mile (assessment of the ecological status under WFD), an adaptation to the total coastal waters up to the 12-nautical mile has to be made for the ecological assessment during the implementation of the monitoring programme of the MSD and the HELCOM. A new guidance document for the assessment system MarBIT (WFD and MSDF) has been created. Furthermore, the Benthic Quality Index (BQI) recommended by the HELCOM for the evaluation of the Baltic Sea was tested and a comparison of the methodology and assessment of MarBIT and BQI was carried out. Furthermore, the BLMP taxa list for the German Baltic Sea was updated. |
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000) area DE 1544-302 „Westrügensche Boddenlandschaft mit Hiddensee“ in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the marine present habitat types of the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) „Westrügensche Boddenlandschaft mit Hiddensee“ (Rügen Island, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) are to be recorded and assessed. According to this, a survey of flora and fauna species is performed in the FFH area DE 1544-302. Subsequently the overall status of the habitat type is assessed based on its species composition, habitat structures and the current impairment. The resulting assessment of the conversation status is used to develop measures for the management plan. Project start 2017 |
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000) area DE 1749-302 „Greifswalder Boddenrandschwelle und Teile der Pommerschen Bucht“ in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the marine present habitat types of the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) „Greifswalder Boddenrandschwelle und Teile der Pommerschen Bucht“ (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) are to be recorded and assessed. According to this, a survey of flora and fauna species is performed in the FFH area DE 1749-302. Subsequently the overall status of the habitat type is assessed based on its species composition, habitat structures and the current impairment. The resulting assessment of the conversation status is used to develop measures for the management plan. |
Umweltbüro Essen Brief description of biological assessment tools to assess the ecological state of macrophytes (BALCOSIS, PHYBIBCO) and macrozoobenthos (MarBIT) in inner and outer coastal waters of the Baltic Sea according to WFD Project start 2016 - FKZ 3714 24 221 0 |
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund Development of monitoring for biogenic reefs of the Schleswig-Holstein shallow waters |
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area DE 2049-302 „Peeneunterlauf, Peenestrom, Achterwasser und Kleines Haff“ in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the marine present habitat types of the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) “Peeneunterlauf, Peenestrom, Achterwasser und Kleines Haff“ (Usedom Island, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) are to be recorded and assessed. According to this, a survey of flora and fauna species is performed in the FFH area DE 2049-302. Subsequently the overall status of the habitat type is assessed based on its species composition, habitat structures and the current impairment. The resulting assessment of the conversation status is used to develop measures for the management plan. |
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area DE 1647-303 „Granitz“ in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the marine habitat types present in the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) “Granitz“ (Rügen Island, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) are to be recorded and assessed. According to this, MARILIM performs a survey of flora and fauna species in the FFH area DE 1647-303. Subsequently the overall status of the habitat type “Reef” is assessed based on its species composition, habitat structures and the current impairment. The resulting assessment of the conversational status is used to develop measures for the management plan. |
UmweltPlan GmbH Stralsund FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area DE 1648-302 „Süd-Ost Rügen“ in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the marine habitat types present in the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) “Süd-Ost Rügen“ (Rügen Island, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) are to be recorded and assessed. According to this, a survey of flora and fauna species is performed in the FFH area DE 1648-302. Subsequently the overall status of the habitat type is assessed based on its species composition, habitat structures and the current impairment. The resulting assessment of the conversation status is used to develop measures for the management plan. |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) WFD, BalticGIG: Intercalibration of WFD-assessment systems within the Baltic Sea as BalticGIG-Coordinator Project start 2013 |
Großenbrode Tourismus Service und Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG, Großenbrode in SH Nearshore biological investigations at the beach of Großenbrode In the offshore sediment area off Großenbrode sand filling as well as the construction and upgrade of groins is planned within coastal protection measures. The project may affect the submarine area, which is part of the FFH area “Küstenlandschaft vor Großenbrode und vorgelagerte Meeresgebiete“ (FFH DE 1632-392). Therefore, an investigation of the planning area is required, with respect to protected biotopes according to the Federal Act for the Protection of Nature (§ 30 BNatSchG) and the FFH habitat types. |
Heiligenhafener Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH & Co. KG, Heiligenhafen in SH Nearshore biological investigations at the beach of Heiligenhafen In the offshore sediment area off the sandspits “Steinwarder” and “Graswarder” near Heiligenhafen sand filling as well as the removal of stone groins is planned within coastal protection measures. The project may affect the submarine area, which is part of the FFH area “Meeresgebiet der östlichen Kieler Bucht“ (FFH DE 1631-392). Therefore, an investigation of the planning area is required, with respect to protected biotopes according to the Federal Act for the Protection of Nature (§ 30 BNatSchG) and the FFH habitat types. |
State Agency for Agriculture and Environment (StALU) Vorpommern, Ueckermünde FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area FFH-Gebiet DE 1446-302 „Nordrügensche Boddenlandschaft“ in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the marine habitat types present in the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) „Nordrügensche Boddenlandschaft“ (Rügen Island, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) are to be recorded and assessed. According to this, a survey of flora and fauna species is performed in the FFH area DE 1446-302. Subsequently the overall status of the habitat type “Lagoon” is assessed based on its species composition, habitat structures and the current impairment. The resulting assessment of the conversation status is used to develop measures for the management plan. |
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)) MSFD: Implementation of the eco-systematic approach of the “Marine Strategy Framework Directive” Project start 2009 - FKZ 3708 25 200 |
State Agency for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) Evaluation of the WFD-assessment systems MarBIT and ELBO |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) Evaluation of the WFD-assessment system BALCOSIS |
UmweltPlan GmbH, Stralsund FFH: Mapping and assessment of marine habitat types in the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area DE 2031-301 “Coast of Klützer Winkel, Lagoon of Dassow and Estuary Trave“ as part of the establishment of a management plan Within the development of a management plan the present marine habitat types of the protected area (FFH area, German: FFH-Gebiet) „Küste Klützer Winkel und Ufer von Dassower See und Trave“ are to be recorded and assessed. MariLim performs investigations in the area called „Klützer Winkel“, which is located between the Hanseatic cities of Lübeck and Wismar and forms a peninsula into the Mecklenburg Bight. We collect and assess data regarding the structure of habitats and their characteristic species composition, which then become part of the management plan to be developed by the company UmweltPlan GmbH. A management plan defines required actions for the preservation of habitat types and species. This kind of management plans is especially set up for areas with a high potential for conflicts between the requirements of nature conversation and current use, i.e. by tourism, agriculture etc. Next to the collection of data, also measures to protect and preserve the FFH area are developed and set into action. The set up plan is represents binding aims for the nature conservation authority when it comes to conservation and preservation. All measures are supposed to be developed and set into action by consensus of all stakeholders (users, owners, municipalities etc.). |
Federal Environment Agency (UBA) MSFD: Development of indicators for the descriptor invasive species as part of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Germany Project start 2012 |
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) MSFD, HELCOM: Development of indicators for the descriptor biodiversity in the scope of the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Delegation of benthic habitat experts to workshops and data supply within the HELCOM CORESET-project Project start 2010 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) WFD, BalticGIG: Intercalibration of WFD-assessment systems for the quality element macrozoobenthos within the Baltic Sea. Delegation to workshops and group leadership Project start 2006 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) WFD, BalticGIG: Intercalibration of WFD-assessment systems for the quality element macrophytes within the Baltic Sea. Delegation to workshops Project start 2010 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) WFD: Zoobenthos monitoring in coastal waters of Schleswig-Holstein, ecological assessment of soft bottom and phytal fauna using MarBIT assessment system This year, for the first time a sampling of soft bottom fauna was conducted in the river Schlei to perform an assessment of the macrozoobenthos according to the standard operating procedure of the Water Framework Directive. For the water body “inner Schlei” a moderate status was identified, the water bodies “middle Schlei” and “Schleimünde” were assessed with being in a good status. The results are to be considered as far too good for highly burdened waters as the Schlei is, and do not represent the current status of impairment. A revision of the assessment model is desired. |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) WFD: Testing of macrophyte WFD-assessment systems from Denmark, Poland and Estonia in German coastal waters as „Intercalibration exercise” Project start 2010 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) and State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) WFD: Standard operating procedure for monitoring of outer coastal waters in the Baltic Sea according to the WFD assessment (quality component: macrophytes) |
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and marine research (AWI), Department Helgoland WFD: Further development and testing of the MarBIT WFD-assessment system for the water body Helgoland |
National Association of Water and Land communities Schleswig-Holstein (LWBV) WFD: Validation of the risk assessment of the river basin district Schlei/Trave (practical test of the proposed monitoring procedure) Project start 2006 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Assessment of macrozoobenthos in coastal waters of Schleswig-Holstein in 2006 and 2007. Validation of reference taxa lists for the WFD-assessment system MarBIT |
BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG WFD: Further development and testing of the MarBIT WFD-assessment system for eulittoral blue mussel beds in the Wadden Sea Schleswig-Holstein |
Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation Agency (NLWKN) WFD: Assessment of macrozoobenthos in coastal waters of the river basin districts Weser and Elbe. Testing of a MarBIT-extension |
Client: State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) WFD: Assessment of macrozoobenthos in coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Validation of reference taxa lists for the WFD-assessment system MarBIT |
National Association of Water and Land communities Schleswig-Holstein (LWBV) WFD: Structural quality mapping of rivers within the river basin district Schlei/Trave according to the WFD monitoring procedures |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Testing of the proposed macrophyte WFD-assessment system in Schleswig-Holstein: inner and outer coastal waters |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Preparation of a peer-reviewed publication about the WFD-assessment approach MarBIT |
University Rostock WFD: Development of a WFD-assessment system and a monitoring strategy for the biological component macrozoobenthos of the German Baltic Sea BMBF project, FKZ: 0330678 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Development of a WFD-assessment system for macrozoobenthos of the Baltic Sea |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Testing of the proposed macrophyte WFD-assessment system in Schleswig-Holstein: Inner coastal waters |
State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) WFD: 2nd testing of the proposed macrophyte WFD-assessment system in the Bodden areas (inner coastal waters) of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania |
State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) WFD: 1st testing of the proposed macrophyte WFD-assessment system in the Bodden areas (inner coastal waters) of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania |
Parks and Garden Department, City Kiel FFH: Investigations for the potential of the marine part of the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area of the former military site Hasselfelde |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Investigations of shore- and aquatic vegetation in eleven lakes in Schleswig-Holstein WFD monitoring, test phase) |
Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Agriculture Schleswig-Holstein (MUNL) and Ministry of Environment Lower Saxony (MU) WFD: Exemplary development of a pilot-study according to the WFD-guidelines. Determination and assessment of impacts in surface water bodies using the example estuary Elbe |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) FFH: Development of digital maps showing FFH-(Natura 2000-)area proposals for fish fauna in Schleswig-Holstein Project start 2002 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) FFH: Updating the occurrences of lamprey and fish species (listed in Annex II of FFH-guideline) in FFH-(Natura 2000-)area proposals |
References | Inventory & Assessment | Mapping | Surveys
Biological long-term investigations | Fish stocks | Fish biotopes