Quality management | Environmental education

Quality management and Environmental Education and Consultation


State Agency for the Environment of Schleswig-Holstein (LfU)
BLMP: Digitisation of the distribution information of the Macrophyte-Atlas as a stand alone, INSPIRE-conforming data model of the Marine environmental database MUDAB.

MariLim GmbH, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit of the present national monitoring programmes (Bund-Länder-Meßprogramm für die Meeresumwelt von Nord- und Ostsee BLMP) at the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), has published a distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline: "Distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline", authors: Karin Fürhaupter, Torsten Berg, Thomas Meyer & Petra Schilling.
The aim of this project is to prepare and process the geospatial information of this publication as an independent data model to enable the provision on online geodata portals without restrictions on use (open access). The data are stored in the Marine Environmental Database (MUDAB), which is operated by the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). In perspective, a central information and presentation platform for macrophyte data of the German Baltic Sea area shall be created, which at a minimum fulfills the INSPIRE theme requirements "species distribution".


Client: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
HELCOM RED LISTS TT Macro: Update of the Baltic Sea Red Lists of macrophytes in the HELCOM RED LISTS-Project
Project start 2022
Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)
BTL: Collaboration in the integration of the marine macrophyte taxa to the federal taxa list (BTL)
Project start 2022
Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)
BLMP: Collaboration in the development of standard operational procedures for epibenthos monitoring within the framework of the BLMP
Project start 2021


Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
BLMP: Execution of the 6th macrozoobenthos-ringtest for the quality assurance program of the national monitoring scheme (BLMP)

Participation in the 6th macrozoobenthos ring test for taxonomic expertise of MariLim GmbH.

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Red Lists: Adaption and advancement of the national marine biotope classification to international classification systems and updating of the Red List for endangered marine biotopes and biotope complexes
FKZ 3514 82 0800 - Project start 2014


Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Execution of the 5th macrozoobenthos-ringtest for the quality assurance program of the national monitoring scheme (BLMP)

Participation in the 5th macrozoobenthos ring test for taxonomic expertise of MariLim GmbH.

Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
HELCOM RED LISTS: Assessment for the Baltic Sea region, participation in processing of macrophyte- and biotope- red lists in the HELCOM RED LIST-project
Project start 2009

HELCOM Red List is a five-year project, which aims at preparing Red Lists of species and biotopes for the HELCOM area. Basis for a standardized threat assessment are the IUCN criteria. Several species groups (macrophytes, benthic invertebrates, water birds, fish and lamprey species and marine mammals) and biotopes will be assessed and MariLim takes part in the macrophyte and biotope expert teams.

Checklists of species [PDF], which form the first step in the assessment process, have been published in year 2012 and the Red lists on species [PDF] and habitats [PDF] have been published in year 2013.

Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Leadership of the quality assurance (QA) working group for macrophytes to develop Standard Operational Procedures for the national macrophyte monitoring program (BLMP)
Project start 2007


State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG)
National macrozoobenthos taxalist for North and Baltic Sea – revision and expansion.
II. Extension with autecological information

Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Development of a national reference taxalist of recent and potentially occurring macrophytes and angiosperms in the German North and Baltic Sea


Agency for Rural Areas
Supervision and training courses for the implementation of a literature database for fish references

State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU)
Harmonisation and maintenance of monitoring metadata into the national database for the coastal zone of North and Baltic Sea (NOKIS)
Project start 2003


Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Preparation of macrozoobenthos ringtest-material for the quality assurance program of the national monitoring scheme (BLMP)
Project start 2004


Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Execution of the 3rd macrozoobenthos-workshop for the quality assurance program of the national monitoring scheme (BLMP)


Participation in "GEO-day of biodiversity“ at Lake Dassow (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) as experts for macrozoobenthos


State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU)
Development and implementation of a monitoring program for the Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs) Hohwacht, Fehmarn West und Orther Bucht in the western Baltic Sea. Investigations of macrozoo- and macrophytobenthos as well as fish


State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) and Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
Participation in the development of guidelines for macrophyte and hard bottom macrozoobenthos monitoring in HELCOM MONAS
Project start 1997


State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) and Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
Participation in the development of guidelines for macrophyte and hard bottom macrozoobenthos monitoring in the OSPARCOM/ICES ad-hoc working group for monitoring


State Agency for Water Balance and Coasts Schleswig-Holstein (LAWAKÜ)
Stay at the Askö Laboratory (Sweden) for development and comparison of monitoring methods

References  |  Management & Concept
Coastal zone management  |  Renaturation | Compensation