Distribution atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic Sea coastline

The Distribution Atlas of submerged macrophytes along the German Baltic coastline is a comprehensive compilation of the marine macrophytes in the German Baltic Sea. It consists of detailed distribution maps and corresponding information on taxonomy, ecology and the current conservational status. Numerous coloured underwater photographs give an impression of the beauty and diversity of the underwater vegetation. The atlas does not only evaluate data from current monitoring programmes but also includes historical data and information from grey literature, such as environmental impact assessments, master theses and reports from research projects.



The present compilation certainly cannot be exhaustive and the continuous developments in taxonomy and systematics, also based on genetic methods, may lead to changes in taxonomic classification of the taxa. Nonetheless, this book is a comprehensive reference work, documenting the current state of knowledge on the distribution of macrophytes in the German Baltic Sea.

The high-quality printed version is available for purchase at Koeltz Botanical Books. On this webpage, the atlas can also be downloaded as a PDF: MacrophyteDistributionAtlas.pdf.

Soon, it will be possible to also search the atlas online and display the distribution of the recorded species in a map.

Stay tuned!