Mapping and surveys of fauna and flora
Trüper Gondesen und Partner mbB (TGP) Mapping and survey of marine growth by underwater video and benthos sampling for the creation of a bird protection island in the Pötenitzer Wiek. The city of Neustadt is planning to substitute the pier of Pelzerhaken. In the course of this project, the pier will be modernised and extended. The head oft the pier will be expanded. In order to meet the requirements of species and habitate protection law, MariLim GmbH is carrying out a mapping of the affected coastal area and an investigation of the local macrophytes and epibenthic communities. For this purpose, the area will be recorded with an underwater video system on and divers will collect benthic samples to be analyzed. |
Heinrich Hirdes GmbH, Rostock Mapping for a planned marine dredged material transfer site in the central Baltic Sea. Heinrich Hirdes GmbH is planning to establish a marine transfer point for dredged material in the middle of the Baltic Sea around the Hanseatic City of Rostock. In addition to the permanent storage of dredged material, temporary interim storage should also be made possible in two designated sub-areas. In order to meet the species and biotope protection requirements, MariLim GmbH carries out mapping in the areas in question. For this purpose, both the area is recorded with an underwater video system and grab samples are analyzed |
Tourismus-Service Neustadt-Pelzerhaken-Rettin Mapping "Pier in Pelzerhaken". The city of Neustadt is planning to substitute the pier of Pelzerhaken. In the course of this project, the pier will be modernised and extended. The head oft the pier will be expanded. In order to meet the requirements of species and habitate protection law, MariLim GmbH is carrying out a mapping of the affected coastal area and an investigation of the local macrophytes and epibenthic communities. For this purpose, the area will be recorded with an underwater video system on and divers will collect benthic samples to be analyzed. |
Tourismus-Service Neustadt-Pelzerhaken-Rettin Mapping "Pier in Neustadt". The city of Neustadt is planning to substitute the pier in Neustadt. In order to meet the requirements of species and habitate protection law, MariLim GmbH is carrying out a mapping of the affected coastal area and an investigation of the local macrophytes and epibenthic communities. For this purpose, the area will be recorded with an underwater video system on and divers will collect benthic samples to be analyzed. |
Graswarder Verein Underwater video mapping Graswarder. In the northern offshore sediment area off the nature reserve “Graswarder Heiligenhafen” due to coastal protection measures the renewal of breakwaters is intended. The project may affect the submarine area, which is part of the FFH area „Meeresgebiet der östlichen Kieler Bucht“ (FFH DE 1631-392). Therefore, an investigation of the planning area is required with respect to protected biotopes according to the Federal Act for the Protection of Nature (§ 30 BNatSchG) and the FFH habitat types. MariLim GmbH is mapping the area via underwater video. |
Stadtwerke Kiel AG Marine biological biotope mapping and inventory of protected animal and plant species at the site off the "Küstenkraftwerk Kiel" according to BNatSchG. For the construction of a heat pump using the fjord as an energy source and the optimisation of the re-cooling of the coastal power plant “Küstenkraftwerk K.I.E.L.“ the existing cooling water intake and outlet structures of the old, neighboring power plant are to be used. In the course of recommissioning, impacts on the underwater area cannot be ruled out. MariLim GmbH is conducting a survey of the marine biotope types according to § 30 BNatSchG as well as the flora of the macrophytobenthos and the fauna of the macrozoobenthos. |
Fehmarn-Netz GmbH Biotope mapping and assessment of two potential alignment corridors for the Fehmarn Netz GmbH in Fehmarnsund, including an expert reoprt regarding the WFD and MSFD. |
Schleswig-Holstein State Agency for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Conservation (LKN.SH) Inventory of sublitoral habitats (mapping) prior to the renovation of four sea fences in the area of two military training sites at the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein near Oldenburg i. H. In the area of two military training sites at the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein, in total four sea fences are to be renovated to delimit the exclusion zone in the water. The planned sea fences have a length of approx. 300–400 m and shall enhance the safety of the training sites. Effects on the underwater area as a result of the project cannot be excluded. Therefore, an investigation of the planning area with regard to protected biotopes according to § 30 BNatSchG and the current Red List is required. Since the study area is part of the FFH area "Marine Area of the Eastern Bay of Kiel" (FFH DE 1631-392), the marine FFH habitat types (LRT) listed there and their conservation objectives also must be considered. |
State Agency for Agriculture and Environment, Central Mecklenburg (StALU MM) Preparation of expert reports on environmental matters for the plan approval procedure regarding Tromper Wiek S. Project start 2020 For the purpose of coastal protection measures the State Agency of Agriculture and Environment Central Mecklenburg (StALU MM) plans the extraction of marine sands from the marine sand deposit “Tromper Wiek S (South)” north of Glowe on the island of Rügen. Because impacts on marine life due to the operation cannot be excluded an investigation of the planning area with regard to legally protected biotopes (§ 30 BNatSchG) as well as red listed species is necessary. MariLim GmbH performed the mapping and the necessary investigations of the underwater area of the marine sand deposit Tromper Wiek S. |
Pro Regione GmbH Mapping and survey of marine growth by underwater video and benthos sampling in the area of the planned pier at Meierwik (Glücksburg) A new pier is planned in the area of Meierwik near Glücksburg. A disturbance of the marine communities cannot be excluded by such a construction measure. MariLim GmbH was commissioned by Pro Regione GmbH to map the sublitoral area of Meierwik. Occurring macrophytes were mapped using underwater video footage. Benthic communities were sampled by divers. Analysis of the samples taken provides an overview of the existing species composition. |
Muncipality of Scharbeutz Survey (mapping) in the area of the piers at Scharbeutz and Haffkrug The muncipality of Scharbeutz is planning to build two piers. MariLim GmbH is commissioned to investigate the sublittoral habitat around these piers at the beaches of Scharbeutz and Haffkrug. Divers collected samples of the macrozoo- and macrophytobenthos which were analyzed in our lab. Additionally, underwater videos were recorded, which provided the basis for the landscape management plan. |
SWUP GmbH Survey of marine growth and biotope mapping within the coastal area of Heiligenhafen by using underwater video technique In the offshore sediment area off the sandspit “Steinwarder” near Heiligenhafen, the removal of stone groynes is planned once more within coastal protection measures. The project may affect the submarine area, which is part of the FFH area “Meeresgebiet der östlichen Kieler Bucht“ (FFH DE 1631-392). Therefore, an investigation of the planning area is required with respect to protected biotopes according to the Federal Act for the Protection of Nature (§ 30 BNatSchG) and the FFH habitat types. |
Trüper Gondesen Partner mbB Follow-up survey of marine growth and biotope mapping within the coastal area of Niendorf by using underwater video and fotography technique In the offshore sediment area off Niendorf, sand fillings and removals as well as a renovation of the groynes were conducted within coastal protection measures. The old groynes were partly covered with bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus), which had to be preserved. The stones were thus put together to an area of hard substrate within the research area. One year after the completion of construction, the research area was investigated again via underwater videography and scuba diving to identify or exclude negative effects by the construction work, especially on the bladder wrack vegetation and eelgrass meadows. |
ARSU GmbH Survey of macrozoobenthos northwest of the island Juist to assess possible impacts due to working measures in the coastal area In the offshore sediment area northwest off the island Juist, structures of the Norpipe pipeline owned by the company Gassco have been observed to be exposed. Since the island Juist is part of the Wadden Sea National Park, it has been necessary to record possible effects of the works on the macrozoobenthos, which may result e.g. from sediment flushing and a dryfall of working vessels. |
City of Kiel Inventory and assessment of protected biotopes along the Kiellinie and the slope of the Förde in Düsternbrook Due to new flood water protection systems as well as new public uses the shorelines of the Kielline and the Düsternbrooker Fördehang should be redesigned. The MariLim GmbH is assigned to investigate the shallow waters of protectable biotopes. Side-sonar-scans and underwater video used to map these areas. The out coming data will be digitally processed and presented in maps and in an explanatory report. |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) Survey on potential areas of appearance of habitat type 1140 (LRT 1140) "vegetation free mud, sand and mixed mud flats" along the Baltic Sea coast in Schleswig-Holstein A GIS-supported evaluation using the coastal line, the geomorphology and the position, plus a comparison with relevant technical bases was made for the identification of potential occurrences of the habitat type 1140 (LRT 1140) "vegetation free mud flats and sand flats", which naturally occur as windwatts (sea bed not covered by seawater due to wind action) on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein. In all fjords, deep inlets of the coast and inland lakes all the expanses of water were considered, which extend up to a water depth of 1 m and are large enough to be counted as a tidal area according to the habitat type LRT 1140. |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) As complement to the WFD monitoring in Schleswig-Holstein the makrophyte flora and fauna resident in the Schlei fjord are to be assessed, to discuss potential measures regarding improvement of the conditions In addition to the monitoring program for macrophytes in Schleswig-Holstein 2017 (based on the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive), the macrophyte-flora and fauna of the Schlei shall be investigated. Furthermore, the distribution and thickness of the Schlei’s digested sludge have to be assessed by means of geological analyses. Both data sets will be evaluated jointly to deduce possible measures for the improvement of the ecological status of the Schlei. MariLim GmbH will analyse sediment and macrozoobenthos from different transects throughout the Schlei by the use of a small bottom grab. The macrophytobenthos will be assessed at selected sampling stations via rake samples and an observation box which allows to observe the water body from boat. All samples will be analysed in the firm’s laboratory. The resulting data will be populated and processed in the MariLim data base and converted into GIS maps, which will be presented and evaluated in an advisory report. |
Trüper Gondesen Partner mbB Survey of marine growth and biotope mapping within the coastal area of Niendorf by using underwater video technique as well as subsequent environmental supervision of the construction In the offshore sediment area off Niendorf sand fillings as well as removals are planned within coastal protection measures. The project may affect the submarine area, which is part of the FFH area “„Ostseeküste am Brodtener Ufer“ (FFH DE 1931-301). Therefore, an investigation of the planning area is required, with respect to protected biotopes according to the Federal Act for the Protection of Nature (§ 30 BNatSchG) and the FFH habitat types. Furthermore, MariLim GmbH is tasked with the biological and environmental supervision of the construction site in 2018. |
Trüper Gondesen Partner mbB Basic survey of marine habitats of the lake “Borgstedter See” in the Kiel Canal due to reconstruction of the bridge “Rader Hochbrücke” In the course of the new construction of the Rader Hochbrücke MariLim is assigned to do the biological assessment. It contains sampling with Van Veen grab, Kieler Kinderwagen and scratch samples. MariLim will also do the analysis, the assessment and prepare a summary report. |
State capital Kiel, City planning office Basic survey of marine habitats within the reconstruction area of the naval pilot squadron 5 (MFG 5) in Kiel Holtenau The city of Kiel aims the urban redevelopment of the former restricted area of the naval squadron 5 (MFG 5) in Kiel Holtenau. MariLim is responsible for the baseline survey of marine habitats in the redevelopment area, including zoobenthos, macrophytes, fish, phytoplankton (subcontractor: AquaEcology GmbH & Co. KG) and marine mammals (subcontractor: BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG). |
Federal authorities for coastal protection, national parks and marine protection Schleswig-Holstein (LKN.SH) via Pro Regione GmbH Biotope mapping and assessment of the sublitoral habitat next to a sheet pile wall in the Kiel “Scheerhafen”, including a maritime ecological expert report regarding the renovation of the sheet pile The MariLim GmbH monitored the sublitoral habitat at the Querkaje - Scheerhafen Kiel-Wik and prepared a maritime ecological report for Pro Regione GmbH (Flensburg). This report contains the results of the macrozoo- and macrophytobenthos sampling by divers and by UW video and forms the basis for a landscape maintenance plan for the rehabilitation of the sheet pile wall by the LKN-SH. |
IPP – Ingenieure für Bau, Umwelt und Stadtentwicklung (Engineering in construction, environment and urban development) Survey on snail species in the filtering water of the treatment plant of Bülk to evaluate the required filtering mesh size Due to numerous snails in the filtered water of the Klärwerk Kiel-Bülk, the filtration system gets reworked. MariLim GmbH is assigned to identify the snails in the filtered water and give a recommendation to the mash size of this new filtration system. |
BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG Videomapping for blue mussel detection from the Flensburg Fjord to the Geltinger Birk |
BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG Release, recovery and appliance of Wireless Detection System (WDS) buoy for real-time monitoring of harbour porpoise in the project Baltic 2 |
City of Norderstedt Benthos assessment in inshore waters near Norderstedt. Assistance in WRRL monitoring |
Wastewater Cooperative Kiel East Mapping of shallow water benthos at Möltenboe (Kiel Fjord) |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) RADOST: Mapping of marine macrophytes in the upper sublittoral of the Lübeck Bight as part of the RADOST-project |
German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) Analysis of the species composition of epifauna from navigational signs in the river Elbe (scraping samples) |
City of Fehmarn Benthos survey in shallow waters at the proposed marina Burgstaaken (Fehmarn) |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) GPS-based mapping of macrophytes along the Schlei fjord |
Port-Olpenitz GmbH Macrophyte survey at the proposed marina Port-Olpenitz |
Community Agency Klützer Winkel Mapping of eelgrass beds along the Baltic Sea coasts of Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania |
Parks and Garden Department, State capital Kiel Mapping of shallow waters at Hasselfelde |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) Historical mappings of marine perennial macrophytes along the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein. GIS-based survey and digitalisation |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) GPS-based mapping of macrophytes in shallow waters along the Baltic Sea Coast of Schleswig-Holstein |
Environmental Agency Hamburg and Special unit of coastal lands to combat marine pollution, Cuxhaven GPS-based data collection in the field and GIS-based analysis of aerial photos for the sensitivity mapping of the Baltic Sea Project start 2001 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) WFD: Structural quality mapping of the rivers Treene, Schwentine and Alster according to the LAWA-overview procedure |
Environmental Agency Hamburg and Special unit of coastal lands to combat marine pollution, Cuxhaven Literature review, analysis and data collection within the pilot phase of the sensitivity mapping of the Baltic Sea |
AQUAZOSTA GmbH Digitalisation, geo-referencing and analysis of aerial photos to evaluate the distribution of eelgrass in Wismar Bight. Combination of SCUBA- and UW-video data for biomass estimations |
Environmental Agency Hamburg and Special unit of coastal lands to combat marine pollution, Cuxhaven Data collection within the scope of the precaution planning during hazardous onshore accidents, and GIS-processing Project start 1999 |
AQUAZOSTA GmbH Assessment of eelgrass biomass along the outer coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania |
Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and State Agency for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology (LUNG) "The distribution of macrophytes along the Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranian coast“. Comprehensive mapping project of macrophytes Project start 1995 - FKZ: 10204259 |
German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) Analysis of macrozoobenthos samples of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranian coast |
State Agency for Agriculture, Nature and Environment (LANU) Survey of epibenthic communities along the Baltic Sea coast of Schleswig-Holstein Project start 1993 |
Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park Authority Mapping of eelgrass, algae and blue mussels in the national park Western Pomeranian lagoon area |
References | Inventory & Assessment | MSFD | WFD | FFH | Natura 2000
Biological long-term investigations | Fish stocks | Fish biotopes