Feasibility and Compatibility studies
Marxen & Schmöckel, Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Island port of Prerow, self-sufficiency of drinking water supply and wastewater disposal - Supplement to existing WRFB in accordance with WFD and MSFD due to change of plan. Project start 2022 Amendments were proposed for a self-sufficient drinking water supply and wastewater treatment for the planned island port of Prerow (plan revision). On behalf of the federal state Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, Marxen & Schmöckel, engineering society mbH commissioned MariLim GmbH to prepare an expert report on water law (WFD, MSFD) according to the plan revision procedures. |
Deutsche Bahn AG Environmental impact assessment for the „Replacement Construction Fehmarnsund Link“. Expert reports for macrophytes, macrozoobenthos, fishes and habitats Project start 2016 In connection with a fixed Fehmarnbelt link a new construction of the Fehmarnsund crossing is planned. According to the current planning different alignments as well as different structure alternatives are investigated. This is the planning approval section Fehmarnsundquerung (FSQ) as a subsection of the major project ABS/NBS Hamburg-Lübeck-Puttgarden (Hinterlandanbindung FBQ) and the road project Expansion of the B 207 Puttgarden to Heiligenhafen-Ost. According to the current state of planning, both different route and construction variants are being investigated. In addition, a partial reuse of the existing combined bridge as a pure road bridge is also being tested. On behalf of The Deutsche Bahn the company BioConsult SH GmbH & Co.KG was commissioned with the implementation of the marine investigations and subsequent commissioned the MariLim GmbH with the investigations of macrozoobenthos, macrophytes, fish and habitats. The sampling was performed from spring 2016 to autumn 2017 and included different sampling methods (scuba diving, Van-Veen grabber, fish baskets, gillnets etc.). |
Femern A/S Environmental impact assessment for the „The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link“. Expert reports for macrophytes, macrozoobenthos, habitats, and water law as well as expert advice of specific marine issues in the plan approval procedure Project start 2008 Femern A/S is designing and planning a fixed link between Denmark and Germany across the Fehmarnbelt in the Belt Sea of the Western Baltic Sea. MariLim has done survey studies of the benthic fauna and flora, was involved in expert reports, the environmental impact assessment and the water law expert report and gives scientific assistance for the marine area during the plan approval process. |
running projects in 2019 only, but no project closure |
running projects in 2018 only, but no project closure |
running projects in 2017 only, but no project closure |
running projects in 2016 only, but no project closure |
Association of producing mussel fishermen in Schleswig-Holstein FFH: Impact assessment for seed mussels import to the FFH-(Natura 2000-)area Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein Project start 2010 |
State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) Feasibility study for eel monitoring in coastal waters of the river basin district Schlei/Trave |
Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Kiel GmbH Feasibility study for the new power plant construction in Kiel Project start 2006 |
BaurConsult GmbH Pilot-study of the ecological feasibility for a recreational planning project in shallow waters of the Isle of Kish (Iran) Project start 2004 |
Association to promote the nature conservation at Mühlenau and environments (registered) Feasibility study for the sub-project „Marine experience-space Hohenfelde Strand“ Project start 2004 |
Baltic Cable AB FFH: Preliminary FFH-compatibility study and impact assessment for the burial of the submarine Baltic Cable in the sediment |
Windland Power Generation GmbH FFH-Impact assessment for the offshore wind mill farm “Meerwind” |
Gebäudemanagement Schleswig-Holstein AöR (GMSH) Landscape conservation plan for the proposed slope protection near the institute GEOMAR |
Community Lohme Marine-ecological impact prognosis for the construction of the western pier in Lohme harbour in co-operation with consulting engineers Knabe & Knabe |
Windland Power Generation GmbH Environmental impact assessment for the network (sea cable) connection of the offshore wind mill farm “Meerwind” |
Community Niesgrau and Investment Bank Schleswig-Holstein Feasibility study for the construction of the proposed recreational village Niesholm. Sampling and analysis of benthos to evaluate the environmental impact |
Fjord Yacht Club Bockholmwik Feasibility study for the construction of the proposed marina Bockholmwik (Flensburg Fjord) |
References | Investigation & Securig of evidence
Construction activities | Water and sediment parameters