The DEVOTES software Tool to select indicators for the Marine Framework Strategy Directive (MFSD).

DEVOTES aims at supporting the implementation of the MSFD in European waters by improving the understanding of human activities and variations due to climate change on marine biodiversity. This includes testing the indicators proposed by the EC and the member states and develop new indicators for assessment at species, habitat and ecosystem level, in order to assess the environmental status of the marine environment.

To support this process, a catalogue of indicators has been produced as an inventory of existing methods. It forms the basis for gap and quality analysis, for refining existing and developing new indicators.

The original contributions to the indicator catalogue, collected from the DEVOTES partners, were put into a database. To make this information available in an userfriendly and applied way, the DEVOTES software application DE­VOTool was written by Torsten Berg, a team member of MariLim on the basis of some already existing application. The software and the metadata content will be continuously maintained and enhanced.

DEVOTool is available as free download for Mac and Windows on the official MSRL website of the European Union.

Project DEVOTES  |  NEAT software