Newest revision of Germany’s red list of biotopes and biotope complexes

Red lists are an important tool in nature conservation and form one instrument for spatial planning and decision-making processes relevant for the environment. Red lists provide a list of all existing but specifically of all extinct, lost and threatened species, communities or biotopes.

Whereas red lists for species have a comparatively long tradition in nature conservation, the first edition for red listed biotope types was published in Germany at first in 1994 by the Federal Agency of Nature Conservation (BfN) and a second one in 2006.

The latest (third) edition was published in Mai 2017 and includes also a complete revision of the marine biotope classification system. The classification was compiled by MariLim GmbH in cooperation with BioConsult Schuchardt & Scholle GbR and IOW Warnemünde as well as numerous biotope experts of the BfN and various regional agencies. The new classification is an adjustment to international standards like HELCOM HUB System.

Germany’s red list of biotopes and biotope complexes.
Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt, Volume 156