NEAT – Nested Environmental state Assessment Tool: a validated tool for the integrated, consistent and comparative assessment of biodiversity status and GES (good ecological status) across regional seas and the uncertainties related to this assessment
NEAT is an acronym for „Nested Environmental status Assessment Tool” and the software is an implementation of NEAT as a biodiversity assessment tool used for assessing the environmental status of marine areas according to the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). NEAT itself as an assessment method is not restricted to the MSFD but can be used for various other assessment needs and is usable for any MSFD descriptor.
The NEAT software aims to represent a flexible and user-friendly desktop application. It integrates results from several work packages of the DEVOTES project in order to be a central access point to the data collected in the project and to make use of these data for the biodiversity assessment.
NEAT is available as free download for Mac and Windows on the official DEVOTES website.